If you plan to integrate our wallet to your dApp (website) this documentation will be useful to use:
If you want to add Wigwam to your website, please follow this guide: https://www.rainbowkit.com/docs/custom-wallet-list and choose Wigwam in the list of wallets
If you want to create a better customization, these links will be helpful:
1) https://docs.ethers.org/v6/getting-started/
- this is pure technology (ethers), without ready-made UI
- instead of window.ethereum - use window.wigwamEthereum
- example of code with UI: https://medium.com/@aayushgiri1234/creating-a-connect-wallet-button-using-ethers-js-v6-in-a-react-dapp-7269b5011e4f
2) https://wagmi.sh/core/api/connectors/injected#target
- this is purely technology (wagmi), without ready-made UI
- instead of window.ethereum - use window.wigwamEthereum
- instead of name - use Wigwam - Web3 Wallet
3) https://www.rainbowkit.com/docs/custom-wallets
- example with ready to use UI
4) https://onboard.blocknative.com/docs/wallets/injected
- example with ready to use UI
If you experience any problem with integration, please write in our telegram support chat.
We will be happy to help you.